OSC Executive Rick Case Named Chief Operations Officer


KENNESAW, Ga., October 17, 2023 — OSC, an established lender-placed insurance and tracking technology company of Steamboat Group, announces Rick Case as Chief Operations Officer. Case has over two decades of operations and client experience with the company. In this new role, Case dives even deeper into the day-to-day business operations, specifically in a strategic and organizational capacity.

Prior to this promotion, Case served in OSC leadership as SVP, Operations. He oversaw the OSC Call Center, escrow, training and development, and data entry teams. He also worked closely with client services to ensure overall service level agreements were met in a quality and timely manner. As Chief Operations Officer, Case will continue providing oversight and leadership in these areas in addition to his expanded responsibilities.

Case, who joined OSC in March 2001, is a graduate of the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration where he earned a degree in Corporate Finance and Investment Management. He is based out of the Kennesaw, Georgia office and can be reached at rcase@oscis.com or 404.323.1732.

“Rick Case is a valued and crucial member of OSC’s leadership team,” said Keith Gilroy, president of OSC. “His demonstrated dedication to ensuring smooth daily operations not only positively impacts our clients, but it also helps maintain a positive work environment for all OSC team members. He is well-deserving of this promotion. I’m thrilled to see the continual growth in the Operations sector of OSC under Rick’s wisdom and guidance.”

About OSC:
OSC is a leading and longstanding financial risk management, compliance, and tracking technology provider of lender-placed and specialty insurance products from a wide range of top-rated carriers. OSC’s proprietary IrisX tracking technology is designed to meet the complex compliance and multi-collateral tracking demands of the 21st century residential and commercial lenders, mortgage servicers, and property investors. Full outsourcing capabilities include document management and processing, bilingual call center services, and tax, flood, and escrow integration. For more information, please visit OSCIS.COM or call 800.432.1258. CA Insurance License #0D15178

About Steamboat Group:
Steamboat Group is the parent company of several insurance related brands focused on financial institutions, property investors, and member associations. For nearly 15 years, the company has built a reputation for delivering strategic solutions, insights, perspectives, and support that help agents, businesses, financial, and carrier partners protect and grow their institutions. Team members are experienced in critical infrastructure, technology, and compliance practices. More information about Steamboat Group and its products and services can be found at www.SteamboatIS.com.

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