TMPAA Industry Study Reveals 9.8% Growth in Program Business to $30.1 Billion in 2013

Corporate, Member

WILMINGTON, Del., November 5, 2014 – The 4th annual study of industry program administrators conducted by Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) revealed a 9.8 percent growth in program business in 2013. It is slightly below the 2012 10.8 percent but it more than  doubles the growth pace of the general property and casualty market for commercial lines at 4.6 percent.

The study was completed by more than 60 percent of the 285 TMPAA members and it covers a range of additional topics including industry profitability, new program growth, compensation, and social marketing media strategies.

You can find additional information on the study on the TMPAA website. Members may access the study at no charge via their member login.

For those non-members interested in an electronic copy of the executive summary for $150 or the full study for $300, please click here to order.

As Seen in the Insurance Journal

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